We couldn`t have been more surprised or pleased with the record-breaking temperatures. Really reminded us of the Easters of our childhood. (Particularly, my fifth year, when Dad had the ingenius thought to hide my big chocolate bunny under an overturned wheelbarrow. I looked high and low all over the backyard for that bunny and by the time I found it, it was a gooey, melted mess. Jax's and Rich's bunnies were A-OK, but neither of them were willing to share with me. This is only one of the many examples from my childhood in which the middle child (ie: Me) gets the shaft. Thanks Dad. 'Preciate it.)
Anyhoo, Good Friday was spent at my sister`s while Hubby and Dave (my brother-in-law) finished the siding. The weather was so co-operative and beautiful that after Easter eggs were dyed and painted, we ended up bbqing some lunch (first burgers of the season!) and spending the entire afternoon outside. The kids were thrilled to be running around, going up and down on the Grants' mega playground slide, blowing endless streams of bubbles, digging in the garden, and enjoying cantaloupe smiles and ice water under the hot April sun. Dylan and I got a little sunburned. Grace got scraped while ballet dancing on the lawn. Brooke avoided a nap (but crashed just before dinner). The house finally got finished (and looks fantastic). Overall, everyone had a great day.
Same deal on Saturday. A gorgeous day filled with playing in the sandbox, feeding the birds, buying B some much-needed sandals (that flash red and green when she runs, and which she says helps her to run faster. I very much doubt it, but she was too delighted by the sandals for me to pass up the $12 price tag.), and preparing for Easter morning.
Easter Sunday passed without much incident. Brooke woke us up (I had just fallen asleep after having been awake since 4:15 a.m.) to the announcement that the cat was bothering her, then decided that she wanted "treats" as she had spotted the egg trail leading from her bedroom door to the living room. She went to work on her Easter egg hunt, while we filmed her. Then, we quickly got her dressed in her new Easter dress ("not a princess dress, Mommy. A queen dress!") before trying to scramble ourselves together in order to get out of the door in time. Pregnant woman, potty-training two-year-old, Blackberry-addicted husband and restless dog make for a combination that just screams "we're gonna be late!"
We really had no time to indulge in pre-brunch photos, but I couldn't resist yanking the camera out of the bag by the door to snap a few pics of this before we headed out. While I was putting on some much-needed mascara, Brooke was having an "Easter tea party in Baby Sister's room." (Could my kid BE cuter?!?!)
Another warm and sunny day (so sunny, in fact, that B's first chocolate Dora (she received two!) was disfigured by the heat. Dora #1 now has a giant bullethole in her stomach and a version of
And by the end of the day, B had become an expert egg-hunter, having had three separate egg hunts resulting in a mound of treats, playdoh, bubbles, hair elastics, books, craft kits and colouring book treasures.
Today, she is detoxing on my bed from all the chocolatey and maple syrupy goodness she consumed yesterday (which was a challenge for my gestational diabetes butt, lemme tell ya), while she watches the Easter Toopy and Binoo video the Bunny brought for her. Luckily, she seems to have forgotten all about the candy, gummis, foil-covered chocolates and marshmallowy green peeps waiting for her in the hallway. I haven't, but I am doing my best to steer well-enough away. Trust.
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