This afternoon will be Brooke's first off-treatment appointment, so I'm kinda anxious to get it over with. I'm hoping for good news. I don't anticipate any bad, as the CT scans all came back clear--but you never know. I've been lulled into optimism before, only to be told something different a week later. This has made me cautious, of course.
I'm also hoping we receive a date for Brooke's surgery to remove her port. Won't seem like the treatment is officially done until that thing is out of her. Physically, it doesn't seem to bother her, but knowing that a surgery (even if it is a day surgery) still looms in the future makes things feel 'incomplete' (for lack of a better word), I suppose. I know B will still be on antibiotics until June, but hopefully, the port won't have to stay in until then, as well. Will find out more, today.
So, lots of paperwork for Canadian Cancer Society and POGO this morning. Boy, do I love paperwork. Blech! Seems like filling out countless pages of forms is all I have been doing for the past week.
Ages ago, our interlink nurse had told us that Brooke would be eligible for a wish when she turned three years old. We thought nothing of it at the time, but a few weeks ago, she suggested that I apply for Starlight's Great Escapes program (a program that offers families of seriously ill children neat experiences and fun activities--like Sens tickets, magic shows, group picnics, etc.). She again mentioned applying to Make-a-Wish Foundation of Canada or Children's Wish Foundation for a wish for Brooke.
I filled out the forms for Starlight's program at the hospital, but hesitated when it came to Make-a-Wish. I'm not certain how comfortable I am with an organization giving my daughter something so...significant. Seems too big. Seems too greedy. Seems like there are others out there who need wish-granting more.
Finally, after visiting the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Canada website and reading some of the amazing wish stories and shedding too many tears for kids who have so undeservedly suffered and parents' hearts that have been dragged through the mud, I decided my kid deserved a wish. She's been through hell these past eight months and could certainly do with a little magic in her life! So, I applied for a wish for Brooke.
I was under the impression that this great organization only grant wishes for terminal or chronically ill children and since Brooke is neither, I figured nothing would really come of it, but it wouldn't hurt to try. But, a Make-a-Wish rep called me back that day to confirm the referral and tell me the process had begun. The woman also told me that there were lots of children who wanted wishes, so I figured this was a polite way of saying that B would be added to a list, but as she is not terminal or chronic, she's hardly high priority. Seems fair and is fine by me.
Then, last week, I was surprised to find a large package from Make-a-Wish with numerous forms to fill out. Looks like most of them are travel-based forms, assuming that the wish would be a trip. (Of course, Brooke's primary wish is to meet Ariel, the Little Mermaid, and the other Disney princesses--so yeah, they assume correctly--a travel wish.) But, they also ask the wish child to provide two additional (non-travel) wishes, should the travel one not be possible. We'll see what comes of all this. Could just be standard-procedure paperwork.
So, we've been busy filling out all of these forms in order to get the application back into the mail this week. And, then, a day later, I received Brooke's school registration package (open house is this Thursday--ohmigawd--I can't believe I'm registering my baby for school! Wasn't she just 2, like, yesterday?!?). More forms. Yeah.
Then, on the weekend, I decided to renew Brooke's passport (since it expires in a few weeks time) and to get Avie one. No idea if we'll need passports for the girls anytime soon (maybe a weekend getaway to Lake George this summer?), but better safe than sorry. And, frankly, since I was already knee-deep in forms, why not get it over with, right?
Every night this past week has seen me sitting at my desk, printing (in block letters and in black or dark blue ink, of course)--first name, last name, additional legal names, address, birthdate, ''I do solemnly swear''....very tedious work, as you can imagine.
I'm kinda hoping that there will be no new forms to fill out at the hospital this afternoon, but, just in case, I'm bringing my pen.
What is SnapHappy? A brief, unadultered look at an ordinary life. 1 Hubby, 2 kids, a dog, a cat and an SUV. Career? Check! Family? Check! Neurosis? Check! We got it all, right here, folks. Pura vida, SnapHappy style.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Party mode in full swing
Love Day has barely been swept under the rug and already we've moved on. The weather is freakishly warm this week (with an estimated + 12 on Friday--unheard of in February in Ottawa), so it feels like that groundhog might just be right for once. Spring may be appearing sooner rather than later. And, of course, with the spring melt, planning! Yeah!
I was thrilled to be able to put the invites to my grandmother's 80th birthday tea party into the mail this morning! Finally. For months now, I've been planning a special day for Granny's birthday. As a huge fan of tea and of dressing up, I mentioned the idea of taking afternoon tea to her and she loved it. She's sooooo looking forward to it, so I can't wait! She totally deserves a great day.
I've made reservations at the swanky Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montréal for a tea party in early April. Hopefully, all of Granny's immediate adult female relatives will be there--her one remaining sister, her two daughters, her five granddaughters and one granddaughter-in-law. We've decided to make it really 'Victorian' and are requesting that all the guests wear 'garden tea attire,' complete with hats and white pearls.
As for Avie's first birthday bash--well, plans are starting to percolate! I know the theme (a cupcakery theme as sweet as she is!), have bought part of her birthday outfit and a few little things (like napkins and streamers and candles), but I still have to make the invitations and start work on some cute decoration ideas I have.
A quick glance at the calendar and I realize that I only have two more months left to get this all done. I haven't even contemplated goody bags or the cake though--and time is a ticking!--I can't put it off any longer!
Lastly, we had an outdoor skating party planned for this Friday evening. In my endless research of fun things to do in the city, I stumbled across a website where I discovered that absolutely anyone can enter their name into a lottery for a private skating party reservation at the historic outdoor rink at Rideau Hall. It was the last day of the lottery, so I decided to throw my name in without ever thinking I would actually win my reservation date. Well, I did!
Thrilled, I invited a bunch of friends and family with young kids to join us for the outdoor skating party--and we've been looking forward to the evening since before Christmas. The idea was to have a very simple cookies-and-hot-chocolate shindig on the ice on Friday. But, now that the weather is so damnably warm, it looks like the skating party might be cancelled.
Even if the rain holds off on Friday, the + temps have already done quite a number on the rink. And, it's only supposed to get warmer as the week progresses. If we don't cancel, we might as well tell our guests to bring their suits because the rink may just become a pool!
Anyways, I've been in touch with my Rideau Hall contact and she said she would confirm with me on Friday as to the condition of the ice. Everything hinges on that last-minute phone call. We'll keep our fingers crossed, but I think the party is off.
Speaking of party planning, did I mention I won a contest on The contest was for best 'winter birthday party idea' and I won with my 'Winter ONEderland' theme for a first birthday party. Sweet! I received an gift certificate as a prize and the site author, Sophie, wrote up a little feature on me. Check it out here. If you're looking for some neat birthday ideas, definitely check out this website--plus, there is always a contest underway to enter!
Last week was definitely a good week for this contest junkie. I also won a Meaghan Smith giveaway on FaceBook! In honour of her recent Juno nomination, she was giving away a package of three CDs (her Juno-nominated 'Cricket's Orchestra,' the 'Cricket's Quartet' sampler and her earlier album 'Lost with Directions' ), as well as a t-shirt she designed herself to one lucky fan. I was that fan!!
If you don't know who Meaghan Smith is, crawl out from under your rock already! She's an amazing Canadian musician and artist, who's star is shining brighter every day! (And, yes, you have heard her music before because her now-famous 'It Snowed' played EVERYWHERE at Christmastime. Love that tune!) And she sent me a personal FB message! Egads!! It's about as close as I have ever gotten to a celebrity--or near-celebrity, so yeah--very friggin' exciting! Hope she wins. Just love her music. )
Anyways, here's to wishing you all a great long Family Day weekend! Let's hope the weather keeps up...I can almost taste spring in the air....
Avie's birthday,
party planning,
skating party,
tea party
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I Heart Valentine's?
For me, there is no real prejudice against Valentine's Day. I'm all for telling those around you that you love them or reminding them why they are so special to you, but I'm not really into the whole 'spend money because it shows you care' thing. I don't like the idea of Hubby paying ridiculous sums of money for flowers just because a date on the calendar says he should.
I much prefer getting an unexpected bouquet ''simply because'' or cause ''I saw 'em and thought you'd like 'em.'' That, to me, is true romance. And, the fact that he sometimes gets me green flowers (never roses or carnations, as he knows I'm not fans of them) on St. Patrick's Day shows that he pays attention! ;)
That said, beyond an exchange of actual valentines (cards, I mean--and yes, I have kept every one over the years. I cherish those little things, as you well know!), we don't do anything too special on that day. We don't get all dolled up to go out to candlelit, champagne-and-lobster restaurants or spend boatloads on hotels and couples massages and babysitters for the night. We don't exchange satin-covered candy boxes or shower each other with jewelry or expensive gifts. And we don't--although perhaps we should 'cause this could be fun!--hire troubadours to serenade one another with Shakespearean sonnets.
And it's not to say that we don't deserve or wouldn't appreciate the massages and the night away from the kids--and I'm sure parents everywhere would agree that we could all use more romantic time together--but it's just not our style. Instead, we usually spend the night with a nice, quiet dinner at home, followed by a movie and a bowl of popcorn.
We also started decorating the house a little bit. Nothing major--just a few strings of red heart beads and a heart-shaped wall-hanging. As Brooke's interest in arts grew, we started making more and more craft projects--homemade valentines, little mailboxes, paper chains, etc. (Now, Brooke wants to make a project every day...some days have me scouring the Web in search of more preschool-aged craft ideas because I am just tapped. But, that's a post for another day.)
Besides the cards and little treats (which, this year, take the shape of chocolates, bubble bath, a Valentine's Day wood-bead necklace kit and a dollar-store baton for Brooke and heart-printed rubber duckies for Avie), I am trying to come up with something special for the girls to celebrate the holiday.
Hubby is the pancake king. Whenever the Grants are staying over, he likes to whip up a batch of his homemade pancakes, which have evolved over the years into different shapes with whorls of food colouring swirled in for the fun effect. The kids love it.
Hubby is the pancake king. Whenever the Grants are staying over, he likes to whip up a batch of his homemade pancakes, which have evolved over the years into different shapes with whorls of food colouring swirled in for the fun effect. The kids love it.
So, this year, I think we'll make up a batch of pink and red heart-shaped pancakes, which we can doll up with whipped cream and strawberries. (After all, strawberries have a natural 'heart' shape, right?) Since Valentine's Day falls on a Monday--which is often a hellishly chaotic morning--I think we'll make the pancakes the night before, so that all we have to do is heat them up and present them to Brooke and Avie the next morning. B will get such a kick out of it!
I also think we'll have a little Heart Hunt. Just a little game to play. I'll cut out a dozen or so paper hearts and hide them around the house. Maybe after dinner (so Daddy can partake), I'll hand B her little mailbox and send her on her scavenger hunt. Maybe minicupcakes for the game-winning prize?
And, if Sunday turns out to be a great day and the kids are up for it, maybe we'll go for a Valentine's Day skate at the arena or maybe even the Rideau Canal.
I'm always looking for new ideas. So, tell me how are you celebrating Valentine's with the ones you love? Do you make homemade valentines for classmates or family members? Do you decorate heart-shaped cookies with the kids? Do you treat your special someone to breakfast in bed? Or leave love-notes taped to the bathroom mirror or tucked into lunchboxes? Do you take a limo out to go dancing or order in take-out and enjoy a bottle of merlot at home?
Well, anyway you slice it, here's to hoping you have a love-filled weekend!
Heart Hunt,
how do you celebrate,
Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Gastro 4, Us 0.
Although for the most part, I'm fine, my stomach occasionally seems to disagree. I only threw up the first day, but the nausea seems neverending. On the plus side? I lost five pounds. Gotta look at things with a positive attitude, right?
Poor Avie has been the one who seems to be suffering the most--more likely the result of some teeth coming in at the same time. She seems to be over the gastro, but the poor thing is exhausted. She's on her third nap of the day (and she only ever has two!) and it's not even 2pm. No fever, no vomitting, no diapers filled with out-of-the-ordinary nastiness. Just cranky crying and falling asleep in my mama's lap. So, I'm guessing she is just wiped out from the weekend and is taking longer than the rest of us to recover.

The idea was that I was going to work on the pics, print some off and turn them into Valentines for Daddy and the grandparents. The girls would decorate them (okay, Brooke would decorate them--Avie would just eat the sequins) and we'd drop 'em in the mail for Cupid to deliver in time for Love Day, but gastro turned that idea on it's pretty lace-and-sequins head. Guess, we'll have to settle for virtual cards instead. :)

Valentine's Day
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