Friday, May 4, 2012

Not today, you don't

You ever had one of those days when you felt totally productive, totally content with how the day turned out, how much you got accomplished in the time allotted? Like the day didn’t get away from you this time—you were in total control of how it played out and completely wiped the floor with the to-do list. Then, you just kicked back with a cocktail (in my case, cranberry juice and raspberry vodka, natch!) and actually enjoyed the remainder of the day?

Well, I had that type of day last Sunday. I worked all morning, cleaned both girls’ bedrooms, folded and put away laundry, tidied up the house and prepped a kick-ass dinner (home-grown bbq chicken, broccoli coleslaw and grilled tomatoes with cheese and basil, for those interested). Then, I started grooming Dealer on the back porch (he was waaaaaaay beyond due for a haircut), when my hubby finished tilling the garden and rescued me from the tedious job, so I could push Brooke on the swings. After a while and a check-in on our napping Aviecakes, I just laid back in the sunshine, petting the dog and watching my family do their thang around me. It was awesome. Not a worry or a 'I-should-be-doing-_______' thought on the horizon. I need more of those days. Lately, it seems that that feeling of complete serenity has been just beyond my grasp. Which is exactly why I needed to comment on it.

I’ve been back to work for a year and a week now, and for about that same amount of time, I have felt harried. That’s the best word for it. Harried by my own imaginary to-do list. Things that need doing now, things that need doing this week, things that need doing if I ever find the time. I never seem to find the time.

What’s worse is the fact that much of it is my own doing. I keep adding things to the list! I take on new projects and get involved with new communities all the time because I love it. As harried as I feel at home, I love being socially active with my kids—involved in their recreational activities, in volunteering and fundraising and party planning. I love feeling part of our community and taking part in the activities that make our area a great place to live.

And, I really and truly do love my varied interests--even if I simply never have the time to enjoy them. Photography, scrapbooking, crafting, blogging, even reading my favourite magazines (which have piled up in the living room with nary a page turned) have fallen by the wayside.

Honestly, I love looking at my calendar and seeing it full of Make-a-Wish meetings, CHEO radiothons, arm charm events, ballet dress rehearsals and school talent shows—makes me feel like a full-fledged soccer (er...swimming?) mom—but sometimes it leaves me exhausted, thinking of the guest blogspots I’ve promised to produce and the 9-cent-photo-sales I missed because I couldn’t sit down long enough to download the pics.

Months ago, before Christmas, I think?--I cut my hair—took off 12 inches and had the stylist braid the shorn locks into a tail for me to send to a cancer organization that specializes in creating wigs for children. I carefully wrapped the tail in tissue paper and a Jean Coutu plastic bag and I have been faithfully carrying it in the pocket of my LuLuLemon bag every day for about two months now. Every day, I plan to take it to the post office to send away, and still I cannot seem to cross that tiny task off the list. Forget blogging—I barely have time for buying stamps!

So, for this Mother’s Day, I’m wishing for more time. And more patience and personal acceptance for the things I cannot accomplish and must put aside for another day. For the ability to better prioritize my life and organize my time. For the realization that I cannot be everywhere, doing everything. Either that, or to hire someone to prepare kick-ass bbqs while I kick back with a cocktail! Sheesh.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A springboard to fun

Can hardly believe it! I looked out my bedroom window this morning to see the most adorable pale green buds all over my apple blossom tree. Yeah! Spring really is here. (Sadly, the weather this week is nowhere near as fine as last week's +27!--that's like get-yourself-a-pedi-weather 'cause the flip flops need to come on out!--but it's been raining for a few days now and things are beginning to look more green!)

And, that's when I realized that Easter is next week.Yikes--I haven't even decorated yet, much less dyed any eggs with the girls or made bunny-shaped cookies. Better hop to it!

Anyways, time for you to pull out your calendar and mark down some dates to remember, ‘cause I’ve been rooting around on the Web and have already scored a few family activities worth checking out this spring....

Everybunny loves springtime

E.B. will be making the rounds this April at a number of locations throughout the city. To visit with the oversized hare, scour gardens for chocolate eggs or take part in a multitude of spring-themed activities, check out these events:

  • Easter Bunny Breakfast at Metcalfe Community Centre: On March 31, from 8am to 11am, the event will feature breakfast, crafts and activities for the kids, photos with the Easter Bunny and a silent auction. Tickets available at the door.
  • Easter Bunny visits at Carlingwood Mall: On March 31, April 1 and April 7, the Big Bun will be available for meet and greets. Crafts, a chocolate egg hunt and a little white rabbit magic will cap off the event! 1 to 4pm.
  • Easter Wishes at the Walter Baker Sports Centre: On April 1, from 10am to 3pm, Pam’s Boob Crew (who will be raising funds for the CIBC’s Run for the Cure) will host an Easter craft show and bake sale. There will also be a petting zoo, a cupcake station, face painting, raffles and draws and photos with the Easter Bunny ($10 a photo, with $1 going to the cause). Free admission.
  • Easter Bunny and Spring Open House: On April 1, from 11am to 2pm, the Ottawa Humane Society is opening its new shelter to the public and will be celebrating the season with an egg hunt, crafts and photos with the Easter Bunny.
  • Hop to it at Place d’Orleans: Visit the Fountain Stage on Thursday, April 5 to get a free photo with the Easter Bunny from 10am to 1:30pm. (Space is limited, so register early). There will also be free crafts and face painting.  
  • Curious Cottontails’ Egg Hunt at the Cumberland Heritage Museum: On April 7, from 10am to 5pm, come decorate your own eggs using natural dyes you can make yourself, make Easter hats and headdresses, plant heirloom carrots and enjoy an egg hunt all around the village. Maybe the miniature train will be running? Regular admission fees apply.
  • Special Children’s Easter Yoga Class at Prana Shanti Yoga Centre: From 9:30am to 10:30am on April 7, there will be a yoga-style egg hunt, a yoga session and special springtime crafts. Drop-in fee of $12 (one parent must stay with child).
  • Easter Egg Hunt at Pinhey’s Point: Saturday, April 7, take part in a grounds-wide egg hunt, dye your own eggs, visit with some farm animals, and pick some flowers for a springtime bouquet. Maybe the Easter Bunny will even hop on by! 11am to 4pm. $6 per person, $10 a pair or $16 per family.
  • Springtime on the Farm at the Canadian Agricultural Museum: From April 6 to April 9, guests can come visit with the lambs, chicks, rabbits and other farm animals, participate in the annual egg hunt and take the ‘signs of spring’ trivia challenge. 9am to 4pm. $9 per adult, $7 per student or senior, $6 per kids (3 to 12 years) or $23 per family. Children under three are free.
Go hug a tree...or watch a star....

Springtime means nature! Get outside and enjoy some of the city’s fresh, nature-themed events.

  • Maple Sugar Fest at the Vanier Museoparc: On Saturday, March 31, at the heritage sugar shack in Richelieu Park, there will be a pancake breakfast, Vanier Maple 5K and 10K Run, a lumberjack competition (featuring local politicians and police officers) and storytelling from 10am to 4pm. On April 1, there will be another maple sugar brunch and a strongman demonstration. Children’s singer “Tante Caroline” will perform, along with some cultural dancers from Russia, Romania and Croatia. There will also be face painting, petting zoo, crafts and other activities throughout the weekend. Free activities, although brunch and pancake breakfast are not.
  • Stargazing Party at the Museum of Science and Technology: More free stargazing parties will be held at the Helen Sawyer Hogg Observatory on March 31 (in honour of Earth Hour) and on April 28 at 7pm. This is an outdoor event so dress accordingly.
  • Earth Day at the Museum of Nature: Free admission to the Museum of Nature on April 22 in honour of Earth Day. Wahoo!
Kids rule!

Thinking about summer camp already? Considering buying Junior some new rain boots or a bicycle? These are the events that in-the-know parents refuse to miss!

  • Capital Parent and Kids Show at the Nepean Sportsplex: There is so much going on for your whole family at this show on March 31 and April 1 from 9am to 5pm. There will be vendors and exhibits of every kid-related service you can think of: summer camps, recreation services, daycares, baby products, education programs, financial planning, toy and clothing stores, health and safety programs, entertainment services, you name it! There will also be face-painting, character meet and greets (Dora, Diego and Star Wars characters to name a few!), giant games, inflatables, playzones, presentations of birds of prey, tigers and lizards by Jungle Cat World and Little Ray’s Reptiles, magic shows, raffles, contests and so much more! Admission is $11 for kids and $14 for adults (kids two and under are free). Also, get your copy of a free Capital Kids newspaper to get a discount coupon of $2 off!
  • Hot Tots Consignment Sale at the Earl of March High School: Racks and racks of gently-used kids clothing, toys and products will be on sale at this high school in Kanata on March 31 and April 1. Admission is $1 for adults or a non-perishable food item and free for kids.
  • Outgrow Outplay Consignment Sale at the Merivale Arena: On April 28, from 8:30am to 4pm, the doors will open to another huge consignment sale of good quality, gently used clothing, toys, bikes, books, DVDs, and other baby equipment. Those with pre-sale passes will be able to shop on Friday evening, April 27, from 4pm to 8pm. First-time parents with pre-sale passes will also be able to get in before the crowds on Saturday, starting at 8am. On Sunday, April 29, leftover items will be available at 50% off. Admission is $2 for adults or a non-perishable food item and free for kids.
Some ol’ fashioned fun for spring

Trains, tartans, theatre and tea—our Victorian heritage returns at this time of year. Enjoy some traditional springtime activities this season.

  • “The Wind in the Willows” at the Shenkman Arts Centre: On April 1 and April 15, Rag and Bone Puppet Theatre will present the classic children’s story using puppetry, shadows, music and video. Shows are at 11:30am and 1:30pm and tickets are $10 each or $32 for a set of four tickets.
  • Celebrate Tartan Day on the Hill: Join the Sons of Scotland Pipe Band, as well as several of the area’s best Highland dancing groups, on Parliament Hill on April 8 from 12pm to 1pm. Wear your best tartan kilt, hat, scarf, tie or sash and celebrate Celtic heritage with choirs, piping, drumming and dancing. Free admission.
  • Ottawa Train Expo at the Carleton University Fieldhouse: Eastern Canada’s largest model train show will take place on May 5 and May 6 from 10am to 4pm. There will be many trains on display (including one by Thomas’ Branch (Thomas the Tank Engine) to delight the young and young at heart, as well as workshops with experts on how to start your own model train displays. There will also be a raffle table, in support of Roger’s House. Admission is $8, with kids 12 and under free when accompanied by an adult. Go online for a $1 discount coupon.
  • Season Opening BBQ at Watson’s Mill: Come to the mill on May 5 from 10 to 5pm for a free event. Historical interpreters will provide milling demonstrations and tours, while offering a free bbq to the public from 11:45am to 1:30pm.
  • Mother’s Day Tea: Sponsored by Bayshore Shopping Centre, this free event will take place at the Ron Kolbus Lakeside Centre on May 10 from 2pm to 4pm. Limited seating, so reserve your tickets now! 
  • Hats Off to Spring! Mother’s Day weekend fashion show held at Santé Restaurant on May 12 at 12:15pm. The show will feature spring fashions by JMichaels and Chapeaux de Madeleine, door prizes by Holtz Spa and complimentary fragrances from The Bay. Lunch is $25.
Got any other spring things to add to my list? Drop me a line! Hoppy spring!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Stream of whaaaat?

Winter is clearly leaving like a lion—and I gotta say, I’m bummed by it. Last week, Mother Nature taunted us with the first harbringers of spring—warm sunshine, chirping birds, melting snow, the sound of the run-off trickling into gutters, brown tufts of grass peeking out from lawns. It was heavenly. Looked like and Wiarton Willie finally had it right. An early spring and not a moment too soon. And, then, last Friday, right after she had us shedding mittens and parkas for jackets and sunglasses, she went ahead and dumped another 10 cm of the white stuff on us, followed by a week of frigid temperatures. Gawd.

Flash forward to yesterday—yup. More snow. Another 10 cm of the crap. Looks like grey, dreary skies all weekend. Utterly depressing. Truly. Mother Nature is one fickle b!tch.

I guess you could say I have cabin fever and wrong you would not be. I’m a proud Canadian, and I hate the thought of a green Christmas, but man, oh man—I was never meant for winter weather. I get to about mid-January and I’m done with it. Suivant, next.

But, we’ll get to spring eventually, I suppose—I’ll give Willie another week or so before I file an official grievance. In the meantime, I’ve got plenty to keep me busy. (When do I not?) Lots of things to cross off the To-Do list at home, of course, but I’ve also joined the Make-a-Wish team in Rockland as a volunteer, so I hope to be involved with Brooke and company in some fun events there. Looking forward to taking some wish-granting training soon, too.

Of course, I want to get started on that wish trip scrapbook, too, especially now that my sister-in-law Brenna—the star of scrapbooking superwebsite, ScrapSmith—found me some adorable mermaid/princess/fairy/Disney papers to work with. Gorgtastic! So, that’s another project that will be ever in the wings.

Must get back to the DISBoards as the folks there have been very patient with me while I have gone on blogging and trip-reporting hiatus for the last couple of months.

And, in spite of all my complaining, spring is coming, so that means time to get party-planning! Not only is there the usual Easter shenanigans to prepare for, but I’ve got a bundle of birthdays I need to celebrate. We have a lot of April birthdays in the family—my granny’s, my mother-in-law, my hubby, my brother (who will be 30 this year!) and, of course, Miss Avie, who will be two in just a few weeks. Eeek! I can’t believe it—seems like it was a couple of months ago that I began this blog to chronicle her coming into the world.

Here she is in a terribly unsteady iPhone users' hand (mine), perusing the Sears catalogue. Caught her ogling Dora tricycles. Little sister has already started catalogue shopping. Highly amusing. But, helpful, too. (One guess as to what my little sweetie will be getting for her birthday?)

She's growing up so fast. (FYI, her feet are growing at an average pace and are, in fact, quite normal-sized. In this pic, she was wearing Brooke's shoes.)

And, you know what she said to me this morning when I opened up her bedroom door to her little chattering voice? Prepare to gush....

“Oh! It’s my mommy. Love you!”

Yup. Sweetest thing ever.

Kid plucked all my heartstrings and the sound resonated all the way to work. In spite of the grey skies and bleak March terrain—which is saying something, I think.

More about her party plans forthcoming—but let’s just say, I’m very partyblog-inspired lately and have been showing my love of these awesome sites through Pinterest. Okay—can I say how much I love that website? I have found about a bazillion awesome, time-wasting websites in the last few weeks—Mod Clothes, We Heart It, Zulily—to add to my collection ol’ Flickr, Etsy, Contestgirl and Facebook standbys. But, honestly, it’s a struggle every time I sit down at the laptop because as the urge to creep along the pin boards is almost more than I can bear.... I adore it. I feel that website was created specifically with me in mind.

Seriously—I’m one of those peeps who has about 300 favourite websites stored on my browser and then saves a gazillion photos from different websites showing cool crafting, arty, entertaining or clothing ideas onto her hard drive. I’m not joking—there might just be more ‘mermaid party decoration’ photos there than there are pics of the girls. Now I can finally clear out all of those images and keep the ideas in one tidy little account somewhere in the cloud, all neatly sorted and organized and shared among like-minded friends.

Pinterest—my hard drive thanks you.

So, what’s all the point of this rambling piece? None whatsoever. Just a little stream of consciousness blurb to let you know I’m back.

Catch ya’ later.


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