So, I've attempted this countless times before--never with any level of success as a result of my own inability to commit more than a single post to it, but here I go again....Gonna start 2010 with a blog. I've been wanting to do this for a while now, if for no other reason then to post up photos everyone claims to want to see. A blogger friend, who goes by the pseudonym of Chubbs, has been encouraging me to pick up the virtual pen for some time now, and seeing how I am a few months away from embarking on another maternity leave, now seemed as opportune a time as any.
The catch? Writing things that are relevant, timely and interesting to people other than my husband (and frankly, from the glazed look I sometimes receive, I'm not even certain that he cares).
My day job has me writing for a monthly newsletter, where I like to think I make some sort of contribution in informing my colleagues of the latest happenings of our organization. (And, occasionally, one of them will let me know that I did. Thank you, readers!) But, it's a little tougher here to gauge--and engage--the audience. My writing's gotta be witty, snappy and funny. Dare I attempt funny? It's not often that I get to use humour in my corporate writing. Refreshing as a good, sarcastic turn-of-phrase is, it ain't easy to convey in the written word.
I don't lead a particularly interesting life. There's not much glitz and glamour in my cubicle office or surburban home. I haven't accomplished anything in my 31 years that would constitute as note-worthy to outsiders (although personally, I consider becoming a mother and wife, both notable and worthwhile). I wish I could regale you with tales of fascinating adventures, exotic travels and entertaining characters, but to be honest, my existence mostly consists of spaghetti dinners, reruns of "Toopy and Binoo," more scrapbooking magazines than I care to admit to, running to and from daycare, downloading photos from my SLR, dust bunnies, dog hair, diapers and an endless pile of laundry.
That said, however, I figure the silly, quirky and downright ridiculous things my kid says and does should provide ample fodder for a few posts. I always enjoy reading about another parents' disastrous attempt at discipline or adventures in toliet-training. (Nothing makes a parent feel better than knowing that they aren't the only ones trying desperately to avoid screwing up their kids, and sometimes failing at this often-thankless but certainly most-rewarding job on the market.) I even enjoy reading about the ordinary--but oh-so-precious--moments that make life worth living. I can identify with those moments. I get it.
So, maybe I will be able to find something to entertain you with after all, dear readers. Best I can do is try.
Postscript: If you are wondering about the title, it's my photography 'biz' name. At Chubbs' suggestion, I wanted to title this blog "Ginger Snaps" (which would have referred to both my snapHappy photos, as well as my fragile mental state--man, pregnancy brain sucks!) but the name was already taken. Sorry, Chubbs.
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