And this year, well, you have grown up in such a short time. Just months ago, we were waiting for your little sister to arrive and you were such a toddler--bumbling and stumbling, giggling and jabbering. Now, it's hard to believe that our wise old owl, with all of her logical reasonings and thoughtful musings, is only turning three! You hardly seemed like a two-year-old Friday morning when you waved Daddy out the door with a reminder to ''go to work to make monies to buy my gas,'' and yet you still were.
Perhaps, it's that you have always had an imagination and a vocabulary more advanced than the average kid your age. Maybe it's that you've grown a good couple of inches and lost much of the chubby babyness about you this summer. Or that instead of shapeless blobs and scribbles, your drawings of people now actually include facial features and legs and arms. Or perhaps, it's simply that you have had to endure more in these last couple of months than most adults have to endure in their entire lifespan.
We are sooo proud of you and inspired by your courage and cheerful spirit. We wish you many, many more years of joy and sunshine! Happy birthday, Peanut! We love you forever.
Happy birthday Brookeroo! Much love from these parts.