Saturday, November 6, 2010

Toddler talk

I am always amused by the things Brooke says. I try to jot down the crazy, mixed-up phrases as often as I can, as I always want to remember the way she spoke as a kid. These moments are fleeting and I can't bear to let them dissolve into the nothingness that can sometimes be my memory. Thought I would share some of these kooky quotes. Here are a few of my faves:

  • ''treasure-treating'' instead of ''trick-or-treating''

  • ''being boring" instead of ''being born'' (For example: ''When I was being boring, I was just a little, tiny baby.'' My reply? ''Peanut, you have never been--and will never be--boring.'')

  • ''but I don't love potatoes'' instead of ''I don't like potatoes'' (I like that she is always so passionate about such a downright mediocre vegetable.)

  • for some reason, she always says ''lemon'' when what she is really referring to is waterMELON. Verbal dyslexia, perhaps?

  • ''wello'' instead of ''yellow''

  • the common toddler ''sgetti'' instead of ''spaghetti''

  • ''firemetre'' instead of ''firefighter''

  • ''puter'' for ''computer''

  • ''mote'' for ''remote''

  • ''bitch'' instead of ''fetch'' (And when she was called out on this one, she explained to me that she meant the comment for the dog. This did not help clear things up until she actually tossed the ball for him. Phew!)

  • ''mean shows'' for TV shows or movies that are adult in nature and should not be viewed by the under 13-set.

  • ''daddy shows'' for any TV programming that is crime or home improvement-related.

  • ''my bum hurts'' used as her announcement that she needs to go pee. (Said shortly after I notice her doing the potty dance, and immediately following the "but Mom, I'm not holding myself!'')

  • ''Tim Hortman's'' instead of ''Tim Horton's''

  • ''red store'' in reference to her father's fave store--the holiest of Canadian retailers: Canadian Tire. The "blue store" refers to Wal-Mart, while the ''green store" means Dollarama. These are her three favourite shops.

  • ''black things'' for any reference to pepper, spices, or the slightly blackened parts of cooked food. She refuses to eat anything touched by these black bits--doesn't even matter if she was the one to put them there, in the first place.

  • ''Oh, isn't that so sweet!'' when referring to babies, bunnies or baby dolls.

  • ''Let's go girls!'' (This is said to Avie and me only in moments of exuberant adventure.)

  • ''How 'bout I have chocolate AND cherry?'' (This is said in response to her father's question: ''Do you want a chocolate or cherry Timbit?'')

  • ''Okay, darling, this won't hurt. And if it does, we'll put a bandaid on it, okay, sweetie?'' (I don't call people 'darling' or 'sweetie,' so I imagine she gets this from the nurses at the hospital. Only ever seems to come out when she is playing nurse or doctor.)

  • ''I've got cozy, fresh socks on." (Nothing really funny or amusing about that one. I just enjoy the fact that my barely 3-year-old can appreciate the comfort of a good pair of socks.)

  • ''Mommy, can we got to Donald's?'' (This is said after a chemo appointment when she is craving McDonald's. Not as funny as Grace's version: ''Chicken Donald's!'')

  • and, although, she got a reprimand for this one (even as I was laughing behind my hand): ''Mommy, you are being a pain in the ask.'' I think you can guess what this one should have been.

Kids truly do say the darndest things. Love you, baby girl.


  1. I can't wait to hear what comes out of Maggie's mouth. Right now, she's definitely testing out her different decibel levels but at least its happy squeals...most of the time.

    A few good ones from my nephew include:

    "Why are the clouds broken?"

    After saying his tummy hurts from the hiccups, which Grandma points out he doesn't have: "Oh but they're coming."

    "Up and beyond." - instead of Buzz's "To infinity and beyond."

    When my sis' had her bangs pinned back, he asked "Are you Aunt Stephy?". After telling him no, he asked "Are you sure?"

  2. I replied to this one, Shammy. Just posted it in the wrong entry. Check out last week's entry for the reply....

    Thanks for commenting. ox

  3. too adorable! I LOVE this photo of little B.



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