Originally, this little venture into the World Wide Web was an attempt at chronicling my journey into motherhood for a second time. I was going to spend 365 days photographing life at home with my young girls, documenting their childhood and the special moments that make up our memories. I was going to share my photos and my thoughts with my audience with the aim to amuse and entertain. I was going to research and compile and publish articles and how-tos on all things mommy, like where to find local water play parks or how to make pinwheel pencil crafts.
Silly and fun, thought-provoking and profound, the blog postings were going to be printed and bound, souvenirs of a mother's unconditional love for her crazy, kooky kids.
Unfortunately, that is not what the universe had in store for me. This summer, the blog became a vehicle with which to inform family and friends about the recent goings-on of Brooke's diagnosis and subsequent cancer treatment.
A valuable tool--the blog allowed me to convey the innermost workings of my mind to my loved ones without my having to say a word. After repeating the story 101 times to various doctors and family members, I was mentally exhausted--and the blog became my retreat.
Writing--and photography, for that matter--has always comforted me. So, it was natural that I took to the blogosphere to heal from the shock and the ordeal that we endured this summer and fall. Thank you, SnapHappy, for allowing me to pour out my heart to you. And, thank you, readers, for continuing to tune in. I apologize that SnapHappy did not live up to its purpose, but hopefully, one day I will get back to my simple plan and chronicle that mommyhood journey.
And, to that end, I recently stumbled upon a website I am sure to follow obsessively called I Heart Faces. It's a photography website for amateurs. A whole community of snaphappy folks gather there to be inspired, improve their photo-taking skills and share their talents behind the lens. The site also hosts a weekly photo challenge with themed entries.
This week's theme is 'Innocent Wonder,' which as you can imagine, is about as broad a theme as you can perceive. I figured my entry would be a photo I took this summer before all the hoopla began.
My 'Innocent Wonder' entry is a photo of my daughter enjoying the first fruits of the season--teeny, tiny strawberries that were as tart as they were delicious. I like this photo because of the expression on my country girl's little face. Thoughtful and delighted. I can only imagine what wonders she was mulling over.
Wander over to I Heart Faces challenge and let me know what you think. A chance in hell? Hardly, but inspiring nonetheless. Enjoy!
This is totally eerie--I tripped across your blog a few months ago, I'm thinking through the comments on one of Kelle Hampton's posts and I spent a good half hour e-stalking your entries because your writing style is awesome, your girls are beyond adorable, and your pictures are fantastic! Anyway, as I was clicking on through the entries on this week's I Heart Faces, lo and behold--here you are again! I'm taking it as a sign to add you to my reading list, I hope you don't mind, I swear I'm not really a creeper stalker. ;) Beautiful photograph, I love how intently she's studying the strawberry!
ReplyDeleteAw, shucks! You're making me blush, Brown Eyed Mama! Thanks for the lovely comments. (She says shrugging shoulders, eyes downcast, toe drawing circles in the dirt.) And thanks for tuning in. I don't think I have many non-familial readers, so it's nice to know others glance at my little part of the WWW from time to time. I'd be honoured if you'd keep reading--seems like fate! :) Now, I'm gonna check out your blog. Thanks again!