I wouldn't be much of an Irish girl, if I didn't stop by today to wish you all a very green, beer-filled and potatoey day, would I? So, here I am. Tapping out a quick post while I still sit in jammies at 10:30 a.m. Maternity leave lets you do that. (And, yes, my kids are dressed. But me? I'm last on the list.)
We started our day out with green scrambled eggs and green milk with a green straw and green grapes and orange slices. (Okay, I couldn't make the oranges green. So kill me, already.) Brooke was thrilled. Avie was wary, but she ate her toast and grapes and yogurt sans question.
Been a crazy, cabin-fever past two weeks. Hubby has been out West for two weeks now (well, he was home in the wees hours of last Saturday, but flew out again on Monday) and the girls are missing their daddy and I'm missing him, too and we're all just missing getting out of the house! We've been grocery shopping twice this week just to have something to do.
I am sooooo sick of snow. It's always this way with me come March, but it is especially trying this year because I know I only have four weeks leave before I go back to work. I crave days playing on the back deck or afternoons sitting on the sunny lawn. I want to spend my days digging in the dirt or playing kickball with the girls. I want to hold Avie's little fingers as she learns to take her first steps on the green grass or to run alongside Brooke as she peddles madly on her bike on our semi-paved driveway. I want to eat cut-up watermelon slices and drink from juiceboxes on the porch. I want to blow bubbles and make rainbows with sidewalk chalk.

Meanwhile, yesterday I received a photo from my mother of my grandmother when she was 18. Couldn't stop staring at it. My Granny is gorgeous--then at 18 and now at 80. I hope I look half as good as she does when I'm her age. She's beautiful and wonderful and I can't wait to celebrate her birthday with her--and I know both her and her sister, Auntie Alice, are so excited for the party.
Anyways, back to the photo--I'm going to scan the photo and make tiny copies, then pop them into frames as placecards for the tea party. I think everyone will love having a photo of Granny as a young lady for a little souvenir of the special day. I know I will!
By the way--gotta an awesome vintage hat from Etsy for the tea party! It's 80 years old (how fitting is that!?) and bright turquoise with bows and fragile little netting and...and...and it's gorgtastic. I can't wait for the package to arrive.
Lastly, even though I have a million things to do before returning to work (haircut much? Need work shoes, too. And gotta finish weaning Avie off of nursing....the list goes on) and I don't really relish going back to the office, I still count my blessings for having what I can call the Luck of the Irish.
Brooke is doing wonderfully. She is getting her balance back, her hair is growing (almost long enough for barrettes!) and she is gaining back both weight and height. AND--we got fab news last week--next Thursday she will have her surgery to have her port removed!
Finally--she will be in full remission. Cancer-free status. Once that thing is outta her, this whole cancer ordeal will be done (well, as done as it can be when in remission). No more port flushes. No more blood tests. No more impending surgery. Just her regularly scheduled CTs and MRIs. We can't wait! We will definitely have to celebrate that event in style, too.
Made me tear up. I accepted the cake graciously, wished them well and a gave the boy a hearty 'congratulations!' The whole family looked so happy. What an awesome way to celebrate the triumph over cancer. I told Hubby right then and there that we had to do something similar for B when her port was out. He totally agreed. Was a good cake, too.
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