Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day tea

Well, it wasn't a maypole, but Brooke and I decided to celebrate the 'soote season' with some garden atmosphere anyways. And, what better way than an impromptu tea party on the back deck? Take some colourful silk flowers, jam 'em into a baby bottle. Then, throw some store-bought goodies (in this case, mini chocolate chippers, pink strawberry wafers and jam thumprint cookies) on a silver tray. Lay the tea accroutements on a slightly worn floral tablecloth. Serve freshly made raspberry lemonade in dainty tea cups and voila! A tea party fit for a fairy princess. Enjoy your first of May, everyone....

1 comment:

  1. Very cute!! Taking notes for when my little Magpie is as big as Brooke.

    Happy May!!



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