Thursday, June 24, 2010

Coming home

Looks like the end of this week is finally near. B's morphine drip was removed today and she has been powering through all afternoon and evening on Tylenol alone. ('Powering through' is hardly the right expression. The kid bounced back like a rubber ball. She's restless, impatient and in desperate need of a change of scenery and a walk outdoors.) The doctors deemed her ready to go home and were willing to discharge us tonight.

Hubby, however, wasn't willing to risk waking up the grumpy bear for a fifth time today. Seems like each time B falls asleep, some nurse or IV tech hovers over her, trying to disconnect her many wires or take her vitals. All very important stuff, of course, but irritating to a 2.5 year old, who hasn't napped properly in a week.

So, Avie and I will go and pick them up bright and early tomorrow morning. I'm certain Hubby and B will be glad to see CHEO in the rearview mirror, if only for a few days.

We will return on Monday to see the Oncology Clinic to discuss chemo treatments. Even though the full pathology report has not yet been released, the doctors did confirm this morning that it is in fact, a Wilms' tumour. Yeah! (Shaking cancer pompoms and cueing the victory music.) Good news is good news, after all. And frankly, we've been waiting all week for some good news, so I'll take what I can get.

Just another thank you to all of our family, friends, neighbours and co-workers for all they have done for us--be it good wishes, prayers, food, gifties, homemade cards, meditation circles, mass intentions, grass-cutting, chicken-tending, babysitting or heartfelt offers of help. We truly are very blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people who care so deeply for our family. Brooke is a very special little girl and it brings me great joy to know that others can see the strength and spirit in her that we see each and every day.

You love her, you really love her.

And, we love all of you!


  1. Woo hoo!! Such fantastic news!! Welcome home Brooke and Daddy!! I'm certain you will have a fantastic sleep in your own beds!!

    Can't wait to see you next week!!

    Have a great weekend - much love, the P. Family!!

  2. Here's a note of help, I sent your hubby but I thought I'd post it here too:

    From yard work or garden work to house work, from babysitting to dogsitting, maybe you want some company, maybe you want a couple of beers and smoke a cigar, you need someone to make an errand at the store for something, groceries, picking up dog poop, come swim in our pool, crossbow practice, anything goes.

    Guy, Jeanette, Josh, Cass and even Venom.

  3. Hey Robin,
    I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you guys and are praying for all of you as well. We are very happy to hear the good news for Brooke. Sending you tons of positive energy.
    Lots of love,
    Isabelle, Adam and Camille



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